Project interupted…

I had to put my star blocks on hold and whip up a new quilt for the twin bed we got for the other guest room….

I am not quite finished (actually I still have a lot to go) I need to add boarders…I was hoping it was big enough with out them but it’s not. I used my hoarded Heather Bailey Freshcuts and the Turning Twenty Again pattern for those of you curious about these things.

Also I found this nice oak headboard at a local thrift store for $10.00

p1010290.jpg picture by Cre8tiveCrys
Also I need to give Christin and Michael a shout out for painting the guest room a gorgeous robin’s egg blue. How amazing is Christin for coming over while I was at work and painting with my husband. I have the best friends!
p1010284.jpg picture by Cre8tiveCrys
She is also adorable and hilarious! P.S. the pictures do not do the paint color justice, it is beautiful in real life. The pictures make it look so washed out.
p1010288.jpg picture by Cre8tiveCrys
I also rescued these abandoned treasures from the local thrift store and am in the process of giving them new life and a whole lot of style…..stay tuned
I am off this weekend and hope to be very productive….

Funz! We haz its

Perhaps I have been spending too much time at….



But Emily and I have been having fun sewing. She kindly agreed to model this apron I made last night (but she might not have realized I was going to post the photos on my blog)

She stopped by to sew on her quilt after she got off work but ended up spending more time reading a “marital aide” (AKA a s#x manual/book) Fascinating read actually. SO while she read the book I logged into her face book so she could teach me pack rat. Apparently this is a facebook application all the cool kids are playing. I actually spent more time sending myself plants for my lil green patch from Emily. Come to think of it she had so many “greenbucks” I thought it only fitting that she gift me a garden gnome and some flamingos for my virtual garden. I am such a geek.



this is from the Wednesday we spent dying fabric. It was great and possibly the start of a new addiction hobby. Have you ever checked out Dharma Trading company? I could get in a lot of trouble on that site…if I were someone with poor self control….ok, I am but I am trying to be good….I promise.


I met Emily when I first moved to Wisconsin and started working at a department store in the cosmetic section. We chatted while at work and got along just fine. I think we have more similarities then either of us would like to admit. But when I first met her she hung out with two other gals we worked with. When I say hung out I really mean attached at the hip similar to Siamese twins. I would occasionally hang out with all of them and it would be fine but I recently discovered that I like Emily WAY more now that she is single (By single I mean no longer attached to the other musketeers). She is also an artist and hopefully graduating soon and it is my opinion (which she might not share)  that her focus is better and her art improving more now that she does not spent every Friday at Ambrosia’s (small tow bar not unlike Cheers) and every Saturday afternoon lounging on Candie’s couch.

Michael also loves the Emily and so the three of us could literally spend hours just shooting the breeze in my living room whilst eating mac and cheese and drinking kool-aide. One sewing night Michael was showing Babbers how to crochet a granny square. He told her “My friend Emily” taught me this (actually it was the day before he was teaching Barb). Later that night  I said ‘Your friend Emily” and he told me “yeah, she’s my girlfriend” Silly Michael, poor Emily would not put up with you very long.

So we are thankful for Emily.

But I still think of her every time I see

Chicken A Go-Go by Domain Barnyard



(He was joking, my husband is not having an affair with my friend for all those who might get concerned. We just joke around like that.)

it’s a shame…

that the camera is broke.

I would love to show you pictures from the Llama farm. And from when Emily and I dyed fabric (most awesome adventure). And from my birthday. Oh and since I have the week off I completely rearranged and redecorated my house(again) but you can’t see that because the stupid orange camera died. Michael did it, he confessed.

P.S. Sewing night is on like Donkey Kong tonight….bring snacks, meet me in the basement…(yep! In the basement)

Bonne Année

Happiest New Years Wishes to you and your family!

42-16916483 by epifaniojx


I love to make New Years Resolutions. I like to have goals and things to work towards. It give me the sense of living life to the fullest. I am actually fairly good at keeping my resolutions (except the diet one…but no one is good at that).

As I progress further into my twenties I am struck with this fear of wasting valuable time and not living up to my potential. I suspect this is the same reason that people make une bonne résolution de nouvel an. (New Years Resolutions).

I have the unfortunate luck of having my birthday very close to New Years so this feeling of slacking off can get really strong. So I am excited to announce this years résolutions.

My goal is to eat more of these

beautiful spring salad by unrestful


Beautiful salad + baguette by tree_climber


Whole grains, beans and veggies by KRob2005


and fewer of these

mini pasteries by fwickafwee


JP Pasteries 3 by tsaiware


I would like to also like to get more disciplined about exploring different forms of art and artists. I would like to have more structured times for creating. So I will schedule 12-15 hours each week for sewing, knitting, painting, photography and collage.

My other goal is to work on my french. I have take a great deal of french courses during my school days and remember surprisingly little. My goal is to be fluent before we leave for Europe in December. Then next year I can master another language.


I have more goals buts since I blog whilst at work and today is so freakin’ busy I will save them for another time. But I would love your hear about your goals, dreams and résolutions!

I am a lucky (and spoiled) Girl!!!!

Well, I have returned home from vacation. I had a lovely time thank you very much. However I am very tired. For those of you who do not know my mother in law had knee replacement surgery a few weeks ago and it is just her and me as far as holiday chefs go. Well this year it was just me…with her trying to help but mostly stressing and exhausting herself. She does reward well for slave labor though and I made out real good!

Look what Santa brought me… well actually my mother in law and Michael

Brother 1034D 3/4 Lay-In Thread Serger

I have been wanting a serger for awhile. And now my sewing studio is complete and I am very content.

For the slave labor I received these as payment

Navy Converse - New by irisheyz_5

New Navy chucks. My old navy chucks were really ratty since I’ve had them since 7th grade….I have these in a lot of colors…I am weird like that.

And to break up our long road trip DH let me stop to stretch my legs at Hancock of Paducah (Aka the most amazing fabric shop in the world)

I scored some yardage of the AH Tillbrook collection. Isn’t it magical?

Sprites of Tillbrook by *Vintage Fairytale*

"Tillbrook" Alexander Henry by *Vintage Fairytale*

Its a collection of fabrics featuring Sprites. So sweet. I can not wait to make a frilly frock out of this.

Then on Saturday I had an awesome mail day!!!!  woo hoo I received a couple of great packages in the mail. I love ordering from coops since but the time the items arrive I sometimes forgot what I ordered.

In my box I had a few more yards of these fun Ooga Booga prints.

Ooga Booga by Kaidensmom


I also got some fun new patterns:

Oliver and S Bubble Dress Pattern 3mo - 24mo

Oliver and S Swingset Tunic And Skirt Pattern 3mo - 24mo

I also receive the New Conceptions Baby Essentials pattern and The Olivia and The Feliz patterns by Farbenmix. I have loved the other Farbenmix patterns I have made (Anna, Cara and Vida)

So I have lots to keep my creative soul busy the next few weeks and I am super stokes. I actually took some vacation days in January to have a “stay-cation”  a vacation where I stay in the sewing studio and create….and perhaps make a few day trips downstairs to the art studio for some college and painting.

Photos from the Old Country Graveyard.

As noted in a previous post my “slightly less of a wimp” friend Emily and I went to take some photos in old rural graveyards. It was the perfect day to shot in a cemetery since it was drizzly, grey and slightly gloomy. We had a nice time. I was so inspired by this huge old oak whose leaves were such an incandescent gold it looked like the tree was glowing. Here are a few of the pictures….

waiting for the trumpet to sound

uphill graveyard2

Tree of life

The gate to memory lane

uphill graveyard with pine

Tall pine

Old Country graveyard

generations of family resting together

Branches in the graveyard

Tree of life in the gargen of death

There are loads…I should figure out how to make an online photo album….

Emily is such a wimp



Major Chicken

Chicken A Go-Go by Domain Barnyard


I had this brilliant idea to go to a local cemetery to take some pictures. Possibly have a model dress as an apparition from the 1940’s or something. Cemeteries are great places for inspiration. They are creepy and romantic places full of old memories. It always makes me wonder about the people who are buried there; Where they a good person? Do they still have family living? Did they find their soul mate? Did they have a relationship with God? How did they die? And while I am known for being a ‘fraidy cat I am not creeped out by cemeteries.


However apparently Emily is…. wuss.

Oh well I am sure I can get Tweet to go so long as I don’t try to get her to pose nude.